, enter in the Description, Type, Quantity and the Amount of the purchased, expensed item. You can even write a check for this purchase at this time. Clicking this button will log a check with the next check number for this expense.
The second tab is used to list all the Vendors in the Vendors module. You can also use this method to select a vendor code for a new record or drill down to see a vendors specific information recorded in the Vendors module.
to pick from an available list that will show the Vendor Code and Vendor Company Shipping Name. Pick the correct one from the list and a relationship for this record wlll be created between the two modules.
Next, click the yellow button labeled
Add Lin
You can edit a transaction after submitting it. For example, click the deposit list button. Click the red/blue dots to the left of one of the deposits that was a check type. Next, click the button
Edit Entry
in the button dock. Add in some cash to deposit with this transaction, then click the button
Deposit List
again. Now you will see the cash deposit information appears where the entry only have the check deposit totaB
ls earlier.
A!Tutorial - Entering In An Expense
option on the Deposit Check field. Then click the button called
Deposit Checks Marked Yes.
You will be taken to the third tab and you will see that the check was recorded as deposited and has a deposit id. Now let
s deposit the remaining checks as a batch.
Click the Process Checks t
Opening Script
NAV: Main Menu
PRINT: Entry
Opening Script
NAV: Main Menu
AFAAABABABAC>>L'Click on any topic in the list to view!O
2000 - All Rights ReservedP Main Menu
How To Contact Us
PRINT: Entry
Locked Error Messages
CwThe Vendors module is simply used to enter in the Vendors that you want to associate to saved Office Expense entries.
The Profit and Loss Module
Profit and Loss 2.0 is a FileMaker template that allows you to link up to whatever FileMaker created sales and expense tracking system you have and run your reports with ease! It uses a modular set of scripts, fields and relationships so you can link it to almost any FileMaker designed system. In this document we will explain how to use Profit and Loss to the already linked example files. We will start with the buttons, then the interactive pop down list, then the navigation Tabs and the
find in the Checkbook module. New Record button goes to the Form View screen and creates a new blank record at the bottom of the list. Find Record button goes to the Form View screen and puts the database in
Find Mode.
Entry Screen button goes to the Form View screen. The Print button either prints the current screen or if there is a scr
Welcome to the LeSaux Media Services Help Module for InBizness Fundraiser. InBizness FundRaiser is a multiple file, FileMaker solution. For the most part, you can use the solution without much writing help documentation. However, to make the transition as smooth as possible, please take a moment to read some of the topics discussed in this file. Click any of the topics listed on the left to learn more about it.
How To Contact Us
LeSaux Media Services
916 North Vermilion Street
Danville, IL 61832
PHONE: 217.442.3028
WEB: www.lesaux.com
WEB: www.afilemakeraffliction.com
WEB: www.buyfmprostuff.com
EMAIL: info@lesaux.com
AIM: fmproafflicted
Navigating The Interfaces
Navigating The Interfaces
Go To Last Record In Found Set
Print Record - Access Help - Go To Main
Below the smaller buttons in the button dock, you will find a listing of buttons that are optimized for the particular screen you are using.
There are a number of reports that span the different InBizness Fund Raiser modules. Most reporting capabilities are accessed from one of the Go/Do pull down menus. When you access a report, in most cases, the solution will do all the operations to run the report, go to the cor
rect screen and show you how the report will print out. These scripts will show you the report in print preview mode. When you are finished viewing it, click the "Continue" button on the left side. This will bring up a dialog box asking you if you want to print it or not.
Again, if you purchase InBizness FundRaiser, it is delivered as an open FileMaker resource. This is to say that you can modify these buttons, add your own fields, create scripts and the such. Below we will describe some
FPTHA#Stuff (1):Fund Raiser BETA:Main.FP3
Stuff (1)
Fund Raiser BETA
#Stuff (1):Fund Raiser BETA:Main.FP3
Dwayne Wright
s Computer
Stuff (1)
Dwayne Wright
Gble the totals shown will reflect the wrong numbers. If you change the name of a record that already has totals, make sure you rerun the numbers.
HELP TAB (for online help information)
Clicking the sixth TAB titled
and takes you to a screen that gives you enough information to use the program but not reprogram it.
will not update if the information is changed in that file. Instead the totals represented are a snapshot
DEFINE EXPENSES TAB (for expense capture clas
Clicking the fourth TAB titled
Define Exp.
and takes you to a screen that allows define the names of the expenses you want to capture. The names of the expenses has to match perfectly the names of the individual expenses in your expenses module. This is key to building the expense total capturing relationship. After you have made the changes, you need to click the
Save The Changes
button. Since the names have to be perfect, if you have not clicked the
Save The Changes
tton and you want to revert back to the original setting, the
Undo The Changes
button will allow you to do so.
This section is used to define the names of the expense categories. When you make a change, you have to click the
Save The Changes
Button. If you make a change but decide against submitting it, you can click the
Undo The Changes
button to bring it back to the previous state. If a record already has expenses totals entered. If you change the name of the expense, it's possi
(for capturing information)
Clicking the second TAB titled
Auto Month
takes you to a screen that allows you to select the totals for each field for a particular month and year. This will then go out to the linked databases and capture the appropriate totals and display them on an individual record here. The data is not
to the associated files. They will not update if the information is changed in that file. Instead the totals represented are a snapshot
AUTO YEAR TAB (for capt
uring information)
Clicking the third TAB titled
Auto Year
takes you to a screen that allows you to select the totals for each field for a particular year. This will then go out to the linked databases and capture the appropriate totals and display them on an individual record here. The data is not
to the associated files. They will not update if the information is changed in that file. Instead the totals represented are a snapshot
DEFINE EXPENSES TAB (for expense capture clas
The payment module is used to record when money comes into the system from a donor. It is always best to link a payment to a pledge, however you can enter in a payment independently. If you find the pledge first, you can click a button that creates the link to the particular pledge automatically. If not, then when you create a new record, type in the unique pledge number in the Pledge ID field. This field provides the relational link from the payment module to the pledge module.
Most of
the data enter is done in the Payment Information area. You will need to put in the payment date if it is not already there. Next put in the payment amount and have either the check number or the credit card number handy.
If you the customer is paying by credit card and you put the credit card information in the donor field, when you put in the correct pledge id, it will come over to this record automatically. Also there is an area you can click to quickly enter in the payment amount to
yment that is equal to the monthly payment, click the label
Payment Amount
in front of that very same field. You will discover that it sets the payment for you but it is NOT hard coded. You can still edit it, if you like.
Next you will encounter the pop down menu for the Pay Type field. For this record, lets choose Credit Card. Below, enter in the card type, number and expiration date. If you put this information in the Donor module, it will automatically be filled in for you.
go ahead and do the other 4 pledges for practice. Click the button on the left called Pledges. You will notice that the payment we just did, now shows up in the payment history portal and that our balance due field has been updated.
Click the forward button to go to the next record. Click the yellow
Log New Payment
button again. This time, lets choose Personal Check as our payment type. Fill in the check number and that is all we have to do for check payment transactions.
Follow the
C#be equal to their monthly payment.
The Bank Deposit Module
The first two and last two tabs are global views of deposits or records that need to be deposited. Only the third and fourth tabs are screens that are viewed on a record by record basis regarding a deposit entry. One is for deposits that are via cash or checks and other is for credit card deposits. The text for the tabs regarding individual deposits are in blue. The last two tabs are for processing undeposited payments and are red in color.
The first tab layout shows you all the payments
ayment date if it is not already there. Next put in the payment amount and have either the check number or the credit card number handy.
If you the customer is paying by credit card and you put the credit card information in the donor field, when you put in the correct pledge id, it will come over to this record automatically. Also there is an area you can click to quickly enter in the payment amount to
This module stores the pledge or commitment to send in funds for a donation. Some pledges are a single event donation and some are pledges broken down into multiple payments. After a new pledge record is created, you can choose which Charity the donation is for. A charity can be an organization or a particular fund drive within an organization. Click the Charity Code field to see which Charity you want to pick from. If the Charity you want does not exist, you should navigate over to the C
harity module to do so. There is a button in the button dock on the left to do so.
After selecting your charity, you should make sure the donor information exists. If you clicked the button in the Donors module to create this record, it is likely already there. All in all, it is a good idea to have donor information for each pledge. If there is gift related information, please fill that in, the same goes with any special comments about this pledge transaction.
To complete the pledge tra
that have not been deposited. This will show you the Payment ID, Donor Name, Amount, The Payment Type and the Status of the payment. Any cash payments are already considered deposited because there really isn
t a way to track that. Checks and credit card payments will show up as undeposited as long as the Checks Deposited or Card Settled fields in the payment module do not have
selected. There is a button on the bottom of this screen that will deposit all shown checks that are not
deposited. Make sure the list matches the checks you have on hand. Then click the button on the bottom to
Process All Checks Not Deposited.
This will go to the Payments module, mark these records as deposited and assign them the new deposit id. Then the bank deposit module will show you that deposit transaction. NOTE: Credit cards and checks are deposited on different records. You can however, add cash deposits to the deposits for checks.
This information will be the same on all recor
HEup in the Payments module but they will not be linked to a pledge.
The Checkbook Module
The Checkbook module has 4 tabs which are About, Help, Ledger, Form and Reconcile. The About screen explains the goals of the database, new features, contact information, navigation buttons and the GO/DO interactive pick list. The Preferences screen is used to define how you would like FileMaker to cleanup check balances. FileMaker cannot automatically cleanup the running balances if you enter in checks and deposits out of order. The Ledger looks like a standard check register you are pro
All Checks Not Deposited.
This will go to the Payments module, mark these records as deposited and assign them the new deposit id. Then the bank deposit module will show you that deposit transaction. NOTE: Credit cards and checks are deposited on different records. You can however, add cash deposits to the deposits for checks.
This information will be the same on all recor
r you.
The fourth tab is to display individual credit card deposits. It will list the credit cards deposited for that record with Donor Name, Card Number, Expiration Date, Authorization Code and amount.
The last 2 tabs are for processing the deposits for credit card charges and processing cash / check deposits. For more information regarding the use of these screens, check out the related tutorial discussions.
The solution is setup to
have these deposited as separate records with independent donation ids ... however ... if you are not intimidated by FileMaker design ... this is something you could change. You would simply allow the users to enter in data in the portal fields of the layouts with the blue text. However, we did it via the new button in the button dock on the left side of the screen. This will create a new record in which you can type in an almost unlimited number of deposit types. These entries will show
ds, so the record navigation buttons have been removed.
The second tab is labeled Deposits Made and is used to list all deposits that have been made in the order of the most recent to the oldest entry. It shows the Deposit ID #, Deposit Date, Deposit Made By, Deposit Amount and the Deposit Type.
The next two tabs are to show individual deposit records. Some will be for cash & checks and the other will be for charges. If you use the arrow keys in the button dock to go from one record t
o the next, the screen will automatically switch to the correct screen for that deposit type. You can also see which type the deposit is by looking at the Deposit Type field in the lower left corner of the screen.
The third tab is reserved for cash (coins / bills) and checks (personal / company) payments. You can also deposit cash with your check deposits. This is done by putting in the count of the cash type (such as 30 quarters and 15 five dollar bills) and the totals are calculated fo
bably used to. A row of buttons flank the top of the screen for operation and navigation. The Reconcile View gives you an overall view of the subtractions to your account (Checks and other Debits) and the additions to your account (Deposits and other Credits). You can toggle the
for each by clicking on it. You can go to a particular record by clicking the arrow to the right of that listed item in either listing.
The List View shows most of the key information in a
one record on one li
type of setting.
The Reporting capabilities are accessed from the Go/Do pull down menu. When you access a report, Checkbook 99 will do all the operations to run the report, go to the correct screen and show you how the report will print out. These scripts will show you the report in print preview mode. When you are finished viewing it, click the "Continue" button on the left side. This will bring up a dialog box asking you if you want to print it or not.
We also feel that we shoul
ce feature of Profit and Loss 2.0 is the ability to drill down to examine the records that make up one of the totals. If the total for an income or expense area is greater than zero, you can click it
s name and drill down to the individual records in the related file. For example on the test record, you will see an advertising expense of $55.60. Click on the words
to see each individual records that made up that total!
Checking out the specific screens are done by clicking t
he Tabs underneath the button bar.
PROFIT AND LOSS TAB (for viewing)
Clicking the first TAB titled
Profit and Loss
takes you to a screen that allows you to see totals for sales, returns, bad debts, expenses and their combined overall totals (which is basically the total of combining various totals). This screen is for viewing records only. You can see for which period of time the report was run for, who ran the report and the actual date the report was run. Another nice
st two tabs are for processing undeposited payments and are red in color.
First, lets process the credit card charges. Click the tab at the top of the screen labeled
Process Charges.
Here you will see all the payments via credit card, that are waiting to be deposited.
The system is setup to only deposit credit card payments that have been authorized. If there is nothing in the authorization field, you cannot deposit the records. You may or may not decide to enter in the actual autho
rization number for each deposit. If you are using computer based processing, it
s possible that you can export these authorization number in.
So, either enter in the authorization codes for the records to deposit or put in something in these fields. I have placed a button on this layout called
Enter Placebo Codes For All.
What this will do is automatically flag all the records as being able to put on this deposit. For this example, go ahead and click this button. You will see that the
To save a letter you have designed or simply sent to a client, click the white
Save Letter
button. Now click the third tab labeled
Letters Sent
and you will see our new letter in the Letters Sent portal.
Tutorial - Entering In Payments
If you are not there already, go to the Pledges module. You should see 5 pledges as example records. All the pledge information is present, including the pledge amount and the number of payments. On the first record, click the yellow button on the right labeled
Log New Payment.
Next you will see the payment screen come up and it already has created a new record for you that is linked to the pledge you were just at. To quickly enter in a pa
reated, you can choose which Char
gister. Most of these require no further discussion except possibly the last three. Invoices goes to that module in list format. Expenses goes to that module in list format. When you register the database, you may Register goes to a screen where you can enter in your registration information for purcha
sing this product.
To the right of the button bar, you will see the Interactive Do area. The instructions are simple. You make a choice from the pop down menu, then click the
button and it does. This is great for folks that want to add a list of macros that can work across the entire database system or unique to a particular screen. Editing does require registration and ownership of a copy of FileMaker Pro by FileMaker Inc.
Another ni
above steps for the next 3 records, alternating between credit card and check transactions. After that is done, proceed to the deposits tutorial. It would be best if we can have 2 credit card payments and 3 payments via a check (either personal or company).
A%Tutorial - Processing Pledge Deposits
If you are not already there, navigate to the deposits module. From here, you will see the five payments that you made today, that have not been deposited. The tabs across the top are used to navigate from one screen to the next. The first two and last two tabs are global views of deposits or records that need to be deposited. Only the third and fourth tabs are screens that are viewed on a record by record basis. Their text is in blue. The la
The solution is setup to have these deposited as separate records with independent donation ids ... however ... if you are not intimidated by FileMaker design ... this is something you could change. You would simply allow the users to enter in data in the portal fields of the layouts with the blue text. However, we did it via the new button in the button dock on the left side of the screen. This will create a new recordB
in which you can type in an almost unlimited number of deposit types. These entries will show up in the Payments module but they will not be linked to a pledge.
A'Tutorial - Editing Deposit Transactions
if the information is changed in that file. Instead the totals represented are a snapshot
DEFINE EXPENSES TAB (for expense capture clas
tab again and notice the remaining check payments to deposit. Click the button labeled
Batch Process All Checks Not Deposited.
You will be taken to the third tab and you will see that the checks were recorded as deposited and has a fresh deposit id.
A)Tutorial - Adding Cash To A Check Deposit
You can also deposit cash with your check deposits. This is done by putting in the count of the cash type (such as 30 quarters and 15 five dollar bills) and the totals are calculated for you.
A$Tutorial - Deposits Without Payments
If a record already has expenses totals entered. If you change the name of the expense, it's possi
EF of the different FileMaker files that make up the overall solution.
The Main Module
The main module has four areas, which are Welcome, Register, About/Help and Flowchart. The first screen you will see will be the Welcome screen. It includes some information about contacting LeSaux, basic navigation buttons and 4 pull down menus that are linked to activation buttons to their immediate right. The pull down menus list choices in the areas of navigation, performing tasks and reporting. To operate them, simply make a choice from one of the menus and click the yellow button to
for the particular screen you are using.
There are a number of reports that span the different InBizness Fund Raiser modules. Most reporting capabilities are accessed from one of the Go/Do pull down menus. When you access a report, in most cases, the solution will do all the operations to run the report, go to the cor
A+Tutorial - Writing Letters In Donors Module
Pick one of the records from the donors module and click the tab labeled Letter Maker. In the portal on the right, click the pencil icon next to the letter name
Thank You.
You will notice that the letter id and letter name fields are automatically filled in with the information from your choice. Next choose the address you want to use (either Home or Business) and the way you want this letter signed. Next choose the white button witBbh the red lettering labeled
Set Info.
Notice that the text field now looks like a real letter.
A Tutorial - Saving A Donor Letter
e to a particular screen. Editing does require registration and
d take a moment to explain some of the buttons you will find in the Checkbook module. New Record button goes to the Form View screen and creates a new blank record at the bottom of the list. Find Record button goes to the Form View screen and puts the database in
Find Mode.
Entry Screen button goes to the Form View screen. The Print button either prints the current screen or if there is a scrollable area on the screen, it will go to a different layout to print out as much of the informat
ion as possible.
Checkbooks Clean Up Function
One rather annoying function that Checkbook needs to perform is called "Clean Up." This script finds all records, sorts them by date/check#, copies the balance from one record and pastes it into a previous balance field. For more information, check the Setup Preferences button on the main screen or access the Checkbook online help files.
Data Entry Of A New Record
After you create a new record, you enter information into each field and then
ry will be added to an available list. This list can be accessed by clicking the down arrow button to the right of the field.
Notes - A free form area to add notes about the transaction for later reference
Other fields are...
Reconcile - Used to check mark the transaction as clear through your bank. Normally done with the end of the month transaction statement from your financial institution.
Balance - Used with the clean up button to calculate the current balance at the time.
The Office Expenses Module
XThe Office Expenses module has only 2 active tabs (Entry and Vendors). The first screen has an interface that allows for quick entry of expenses incurred. The second is simply a listing of all the vendors that have been logged in the Vendors module. You can learn more about the Office Expenses module by going through the related tutorials.
The Vendors Moduleyou if you want to print it or not.
We also feel that we shoul
s immediate right.
The Register screen allows you to print out a registration form to send to us. This is not the only way to register this package. You can order it online from our web store at (http://www.buyfmprostuff.com) or call us at (217) 442-3028. The About/Help layout contains basic information on how to use InBizness FundRaiser. The flowchart is a representation of how information flows within the solution.
The Donor Module
we will describe someEF of the different FileMaker files that make up the overall solution.
The Main Module
for the particular screen you are using.
There are a number of reports that span the different InBizness Fund Raiser modules. Most reporting capabilities are accessed from one of the Go/Do pull down menus. When you access a report, in most cases, the solution will do all the operations to run the report, go to the cor
There is a consistent look and feel among the 20 different files that make up the InBizness FundRaiser 1.0 FileMaker solution. Across the top of almost every screen you will encounter a tab interface. Clicking each tab will navigate you to a screen that is linked to that tabs label. It is not uncommon for one or more of the tabs to be undefined and inactive. This allows you to customize these tabs to navigate your own screens you make create using FileMaker Pro.
Another common element i
s the Go/Do pull down menu. The pull down menus list choices in the areas of navigation, performing tasks, reporting and other capabilities. To operate, simply make a choice from the menus and click the yellow button to it
s immediate right.
Last but not least is the button dock found on the left side of many of the screens. The smaller buttons are in 3 rows and are defined as ...
Go To Previous Record - Delete Record - Go To Next Record
Go To First Record In Found Set - Sort Records -
hit the TAB key.
New - Creates a new checking transaction record.
Memorize-Memorize an entry to use again and again via the Auto Enter button
Auto Enter - Automatically enter in a memorized transaction
Clean Up - Sort by date and cleans up the current balance field
Main - Takes you back to the main screen
Help - Takes you to the online help area
Quit - Closes the Checkbook solution
Date - Date of the transaction
Number - Check nu
mber used for the transaction
Description - Who the check was addressed to and other info
Payment - The payment amount for check or withdrawal transactions
Deposit - The deposit amount for deposit transactions
Category - Used to categorize the transaction. Each new & different entry will be added to an available list. This list can be accessed by clicking the down arrow button to the right of the field.
Class - Another way to subcategorize a transaction. Each new & different ent
elements on those Tabs.
A button bar is available on the top of each Profit and Loss screen. The selection are New, Delete, Find, List, Print, Invoices, Expenses and Register. Most of these require no further discussion except possibly the last three. Invoices goes to that module in list format. Expenses goes to that module in list format. When you register the database, you may Register goes to a screen where you can enter in your registration information for purcha
sing this product.
To the right of the button bar, you will see the Interactive Do area. The instructions are simple. You make a choice from the pop down menu, then click the
button and it does. This is great for folks that want to add a list of macros that can work across the entire database system or unique to a particular screen. Editing does require registration and ownership of a copy of FileMaker Pro by FileMaker Inc.
Another ni
nsaction, we will need to enter in the pledged amount and the payment information. The pledge amount should be a dollar figure. InBizness FundRaiser does not have the capability to record pledges other than monetary ones. The type field is used for reporting purposes and is not required but recommended. Finally, you need to select the payment schedule from the pull down list. The monthly payment and balance due information are calculation fields based upon your pledge amount and payment scD
hedule information.
To make a payment on the pledge you are viewing, click the yellow button labeled
Log New Payment
and a new payment transaction for this pledge will be created.
The Payment Module
ked Yes.
You will be taken to the third tab and you will see that the check was recorded as deposited and has a deposit id. Now let
s deposit the remaining checks as a batch.
Click the Process Checks t
on called
New Pledge, This Donor
will create a new pledge in the Pledge module linked to the current contact record you are browsing.
There are two letter related tabs available from the donors module. The first is called Letter Maker. In the top left corner, you will see a scrollable text field called Tale of the Tape. This will show you much of the specifics of the donor record you are currently browsing. To the right, you will see a list of saved letter formats you can pick to compoD
se a new letter to the donor you are browsing. The bottom of the screen is used to format your individualized letter. For more information about letters in the donors module, check the associated information in the tutorial.
The Pledge Module
cting LeSaux, basic navigation buttons and 4 pull down menus that are linked to activation buttons to their immediate right. The pull down menus list choices in the areas of navigation, performing tasks and reporting. To oper
The donors module is where you store the contact related information of the donors / contributors you are tracking for the system. Across the top of this screen you will see buttons from A-Z.
You can enter in a letter or series of letters in the Sort Code field to work with the A-Z buttons in the Sort Code Locator section. When you click the letter A button, for example, it will go to records that have the letter A in the Sort Code field. Make sure that if you put multiple letters in th
is field that the are separated by one or more space characters. You can enter in both home and business information for a contact by clicking the appropriate TAB to do so. You can enter in an unlimited number of contact methods in the Other Methods of Contact section. There is always room for one more at the bottom of the list.
To the left, you will see the button dock. You can use these buttons to navigate or perform operations inside of InBizness FundRaiser. For example, the blue butt
If you are not already there, navigate over to the expenses module. Before you enter in your new expense record, take a moment to consider if you want to save this vendors information for later use, create a new record for them in the Vendors module and return.
To create a new vendor record, click the New Vendor button in the button dock. Enter in all the information you want to record about that vendor and then click the Expenses button in
the button dock.
From the Expenses module, click the New Entry button. If the vendor you are going to use has been entered in the Vendors module, you can enter in it
s code. If not, then click the arrow button to the right of the field to pick from an available list that will show the Vendor Code and Vendor Company Shipping Name. Pick the correct one from the list and a relationship for this record will be created between the two modules.
Next, click the yellow button labeled
Add Lin
records no have authorization code information. Now click the button on the lower left called
Deposit Records With Codes.
You will see that the charges were deposited. If you click the tab labeled
Charges Only
you will see them with today
s date.
Now, lets deposit our checks, but not all the checks. We will only deposit one first. Then we will do a batch deposit for the ones remaining. Click the last tab, which is labeled
Process Checks.
Here, you should see all the check payment
s you placed. If there is only one check, go back to pledges and make another payment on one of them via a check using the tutorial methods we described earlier.
On the first check payment, click the
option on the Deposit Check field. Then click the button called
Deposit Checks Marked Yes.
You will be taken to the third tab and you will see that the check was recorded as deposited and has a deposit id. Now let